Listening – It’s Quite an Art

In a different lifetime I was involved in collective bargaining with the union local representing the workers in our manufacturing facility. If you’ve been involved, you know it’s usually a very adversarial process. We were fortunate enough to have a very experienced...

Leadership – It’s In All Of Us!

I’m sure there are very few among us who have not from time to time heard the siren call of being your own boss. Setting your own hours, making the big decisions, maybe even sloughing off the small and “menial” tasks to others under your “command”….these thoughts are...

Inward Bound

Inward Bound A world filled with leisure time that was anticipated not too long ago has not arrived. The machines and appliances that were envisioned are here and, in many cases, perform far better than we could have imagined. The cell phones we all carry contain far...