Do Roll-up Strategies Really Succeed?

Do Roll-up Strategies Really Succeed?

Back in March, I was asked: “so what do you think of roll-up strategies?” The asker was contemplating such a strategy and shared that he now has access to a sizeable pot of private equity cash. It got me thinking about my own experience of having been part of the very...
Hiring During Business Transformation

Hiring During Business Transformation

For more than the last eight years, I have been helping businesses transform from mediocrity (or worse) to strongly performing enterprises. While there may be marketing strategy changes or situational upheaval, all the transformations have involved subtracting, adding...
Start with the Tough Stuff

Start with the Tough Stuff

Many of us like to ease into our work day. Read e-mails, check schedules, wander down the hall and chat a bit; anything to delay getting into a higher mental gear for more important work. Some of the more successful people I’ve been associated with have a different...

Medical Technology Amazes

If you haven’t been in a hospital lately, keep up the good work. If you have, as I recently was, you’ll find there’s some amazing technology making our lives much more productive and safe. My recent medical adventure was cataract removal. The only part I could easily...